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Lawn Maintenance: Top Tips for Keeping Your Lawn Beautiful

Lawn Maintenance: Top Tips for Keeping Your Lawn Beautiful

Making sure your lawn is green and lush all year round is not an enormous
challenge, but it does require regular work on your part. So what do you
need to know about keeping your lawn in perfect condition?
Here are some of the most important things to remember.

Feed Your Lawn in Spring, summer and autumn

Mow Regularly During the Spring and Summer

Dealing with Moss

spiking and top dressing



Enjoy Your Lush Green Lawn

Lawn Maintenance: Top Tips for Keeping Your Lawn Beautiful

Making sure your lawn is green and lush all year round is not an enormous challenge, but it does require regular work on your part. So what do you need to know about keeping your lawn in perfect condition? Here are some of the most important things to remember.

Feed Your Lawn in Spring, Summer and Autumn

A healthy lawn requires feeding to make it strong, and the best time to do this is in the spring. Buy yourself an off-the-shelf feed, weed and moss killer and apply it in early March once the lawn starts to grow. Most good quality feed weed and moss killers release slowly over an 8 week period so re-apply in the middle of May to make sure your lawn stays weed and moss free.

During late July or early August your lawn may need another feed. If this is the case then apply a high nitrogen fertiliser in liquid form unless you have a good irrigation system you can apply a granular nitrogen feed.

In the autumn you will need to apply an autumn winter feed with a moss killer. Autumn feeds have a low nitrogen content and a higher level of potash. This encourages a slower green growth which is very resistant to frost and it encourages root growth which makes the lawn tough so that it can endure the hardest of winters.

Feeding your lawn can help prevent the build up of moss and weeds, and it will add vigour to your grass. Always remember that moss will thrive on poor soil so if you keep the nitrogen levels up during the spring and summer then the lawn should stay moss free.

Mow Regularly During the Spring and Summer

Mowing the lawn is a job that everyone knows about all too well. You may not enjoy it, but if you don't mow your lawn throughout the summer months, it will turn into something resembling a jungle.

You can start mowing your lawn as soon as the weather gets warmer and the grass begins to grow. However, if it is still spring, avoid cutting the grass too short. When the summer is in full swing, set it to a lower level and cut it once or twice a week to keep it under control.

It is important to rake out the thatch that builds up on the surface of the soil once per year. The thatch is grass cuttings that have not been collected by the lawn mower. If this is left to build up over a period of years then the grass will root in to this layer rather than the soil. This makes the lawn very prone to drought and very fragile. This can be completed with a simple lawn rake or an electric lawn rake.

Dealing with Moss

No gardener likes their lawn to be full of moss, but it tends to become an issue where the drainage is a problem. Damp lawns lead to more moss, so if you can do something about the drainage then this will help.

Otherwise, try to focus on removing the moss, and spring is the best time to do this when the moss produces its spores. You can do this with a rake or by using chemicals depending on what you prefer and how large your lawn is. Moss hates nitrogen so if you keep the level of nitrogen up then you should see little or no moss forming.

Spiking and Top Dressing

Roots need air to grow an over a period of time with heavy use the soil will compact and start to exclude the air that the lawn needs for healthy roots. To prevent this from happening you should spike the lawn occasionally and then brush a lawn top dressing over the area.


The best time to over seed your lawn is during the spring after the winter has done its worst. Start by removing the weeds and moss, and then focus on the areas of the lawn where the growth is sparse. Alternatively, you can do this in early autumn.

Start by breaking the surface of the earth and then raking it over to make a layer of fine soil. Sow the seeds and rake them in, and then cover the area with a net if the birds are going to be a problem. Water the seeds if it does not rain, and you should see sprouts after a week or so.


Keeping your lawn well watered is essential to keeping it healthy. You can use anything from a watering can or hose to lawn sprinklers or even pop-up sprinklers to keep your lawn watered.

You will only normally need to water your lawn in the summer months when the ground is dry. If there is a lot of rain, you may not need to water it at all. Try to water your lawn before the grass becomes brown and dry, and you might want to spike the dry ground with a fork before you water it to ensure more water seeps into the soil.

Try to water your lawn either early in the morning or late in the evening when the day is cooler and evaporation will be at a minimum. A sprinkler system with a timer can be ideal for this.


If you leave your lawn to fend for itself while only giving it the odd mow in the summer, you will never be able to enjoy it at its finest. But follow a few simple tips and you can ensure that your lawn looks beautiful all year round.